Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Adevarat a Inviat!
Si se dau asa (in ordine cronologica de sus in jos):
1. 15 martie 2008 - Miting Noua Dreapta
2. 31 martie 2008 - Concert Alexandru Tomescu la Casa Radio
3. 23 aprilie 2008 - Orhan Pamuk primeste titlul de Doctor Honoris Causa al Universitatii Bucuresti
4. 24 aprilie 2008 - Ziua veteranilor de razboi
5 . 25 aprilie 2008 - Miting al taximetristilor la Casa Poporului
6 . 27 aprilie 2008 - Slujba de Inviere, la Biserica "Sf. Treime – Manu Cavafu" din cartierul Tineretului.

Si, ca sa-mi explic (sau scuz) lipsa, aduc ca argument

"Another turning point;
a fork stuck in the road.

Time grabs you by the wrist;
directs you where to go.

So make the best of this test
and don't ask why.

It's not a question
but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life."

(Green Day - Time of Your Life)

1 comment:

runbaby said...

geniala aia cu guvernu' si taxiu' :).

welcome back!