Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thank you for most of the things you've done for me. Really. But it's time to say "Have a nice life" and close the door. Bye.
"Like the naked leads the blind.
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind.
Sucker love I always find,
Someone to bruise and leave behind."
(Placebo - Every you every me)


Alexandra said...

sunt tare mandra de tine. :)

si de mine... intr-un fel, asa... ca ti-am zis-o pe aia cu "fricile". :)

sper, macar un timp, sa mai aud doar de bine. :)

very huge hug. and kisses (pe frunte - stii tu, dupa ce te pocnesc ca mi-esti drag :D)

Against said...

Si eu sper ca muult timp sa auzim de bine. Mai ales ca seara trecut a fost asa cool, in a disfunctional love way :D

Alexandra said...

intotdeauna e disfunctional love!!! ma bucur ca aseara ti-ai dat si tu seama. :))